TwoSix Six App
It's a six-week reset button for your body and mind.
Drop inflammation and learn how to do it permanently along the way.
Whilst managing mental stress and overall happiness.
In this reset program, we will address the following through nutrition
-Skin health/inflammation within the body.
-Cognitive function
all with plant-based options
And an optional gut health week also. (thrown in free)
You will also be taught how to eat for your goal - weight loss or weight gain and how to calculate this on your own.
We will aim to move the body in some way shape or form every day, if that. is simply 2 minutes a day, then so be it :) It is about finding "YOUR" movement.
They will be sent the twosix ebook also upon sign up.
You will be given a 3-4 day at-home workout option
& or a general 3-4 day workout option for the gym
Each week you will be sent a personal check-in form to list your pain points and struggles - where our coach will record a personal video for you with key points to work on for the week ahead to ensure you are progressing at YOUR pace.
This is about meeting you where YOU are. not you coming to US.
You will also be taught about the breath and how it controls our stress response, with daily workons to lower cortisol levels and decrease our constant "MSD's" (micro stress doses) - so that we don't need to get to the point of burn out or snapping at our loved ones at the end of the week.
Every couple of days they will get some motivational emails.